Apiterapie, Fitoterapie si Aromaterapie

CV Victorita BONTA








 Curriculum vitae


Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) BONTA VICTORITA
Address(es) 11 G. Garibaldi st. 400148 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Telephone(s) 0040264 531769 Telephone(s) 0040264 531769
Fax(es) 0040264-593792
E-mail victoritabonta@yahoo.com
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth January 05, 1971
Gender Female
Employment / Occupational field University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca – Laboratory of Quality Control of Bee Products / Chemist
Work experience 12 years
Dates 2005- present
Occupation or position held chemist speciality, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology , USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Main activities and responsibilities


Phisico-chemical analysis for bee products

Apicultural biotechnologies: main and secondary components analysis from honeybee and bee products, biochemical markers for quality and authenticity


Name and address of employer University of Agricultural Sciences and veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăştur 3-5, postal code 400372 , web site: www.usamvcluj.ro; tel. 0040264-596384; Fax. 0040264-593792
Type of business or sector

Biochemistry and biotechnology of bee products

Phytochemical compounds activity evaluation from bee products

Food safety and quality

Education and training
Dates 2006 -2011
Title of qualification awarded PhD
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Apicultural biotechnologies: main and secondary components analysis from honeybee and bee products, biochemical markers for quality and authenticity
Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Agricultural Sciences and veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
Level in national or international classification Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biotechnologies
Dates 1991-1996
Title of qualification awarded Chemist
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Basic training: Chemistry and Biochemistry; Analitycal chemistry;Physical chemistry; Mathematics

Speciality training: Research chemist

Dates 1985-1989
Title of qualification awarded Medical nurse
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Medical nursuring Highschool Cluj-Napoca


Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Romanian
Other language(s) English
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing expression
English B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences



– 2007 – RENAR courses: „Auditarea sistemului de management al calităţii referitor la încercări” and „Cerinţe privind metodele de încercare (validare, incertitudine) şi asigurarea calităţii rezultatelor încercărilor”

– 2008 – „Proficiency Testing Seminar”

– 2008 – course „Standarde de calitate şi siguranţă aplicate în sectorul alimentar” INPLISTA, trasabilitate şi manipulare a organismelor modificate genetic

– 2009 – course „Spectrometrie de Infrarosu (FT-IR)”

– 2015 – specialization course „Sensorial analysis of honey”, Etienne Brunneau CARI Association (Centre Apicole de Recherche et d’Information), Belgia

– 2016 – mass spectrometry workshop


Organisational skills and competences


Member of International Honey Commision

Research team member in 10 national and international projects


Technical skills and competences


Equipment and methodology well knowing for analysis from different food products and bee products (physico-chemical analysis, spectrphotometric and chromatographic determinations).

Well Knowling of test validation methods


Computer skills and competences


Microsoft Office utilization (Word, Excel, Power Point)

Elementary knowledge of computer graphic applications


Other skills and competences Hobbys: traveling, lecture
Driving licence


B category


Additional information Include here any other information that may be relevant, for example contact persons, references, etc. (Remove heading if not relevant, see instructions)




Bonta Victoriţa, L.A. Mărghitaş, D.S. Dezmirean, Adela Moise, Otilia Bobiş, O. Maghear, 2007, Optimization of HPLC method for quantifying Tetracycline residues in honey, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 63-64, 186-190.

Bonta Victoriţa, L.A. Mărghitaş, Otilia Bobiş, D.S. Dezmirean, 2007, HPLC sugar profile in quality and authenticity determination of Romanian honey, Apiculture – from science to agribusiness and apitherapy, Cluj-Napoca, 59-64.

Bonta Victoriţa, L.A. Mărghitaş, Oltica Stanciu, Laura Laslo, D.S. Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, 2008, High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of sugars in Transilvanian honeydew honey, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 65(1-2), 229-232.

Mărghitaş, L.A., Otilia Bobiş, Oltica Stanciu, D.S. Dezmirean, Victoriţa Bonta, Olimpia Popescu, 2008, Antioxidant capacity of honeydew honey produced in Transilvania and in different European Countries, 1st World Honeydew honey symposium, 1-3 august 2008, Tzarevo, Bulgaria.

Bonta Victoriţa, L.A. Mărghitaş, D.S. Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, 2009, Determination of six sulfonamides residues in honey by HPLC with fluorescence detection, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 66(1-2), 237-241.

Mărghitaş, L.A., D.S. Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, Victoriţa Bonta, Oltica Giorgiana Stanciu, I. Gergen, Monica Hărmănescu, 2010, Metode moderne de determinare a reziduurilor şi contaminanţilor din miere şi produse apicole, Ed. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca.

Mărghitaş, L.A., Victoriţa Bonta, D.S. Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiş, 2010, Determination of chloramfenicol in honey by liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry with photodiode array detection, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Animal Sciences and Technologies, 67(1-2), 36-42.

Mărghitaş, L.A., Victoriţa Bonta, D.S. Dezmirean, 2011, Influence of UV Radiation upon Pesticide Residues from Contaminated Honey, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Animal Sciences and Technologies, 68(1-2), 15-21.

Graţia Dezmirean, Mărghitaş L., Otilia Bobiş, Dezmirean D., Victorita Bonta, Erler S., 2012, Botanical origin cause changes in nutritional profile and antioxidant activity of fermented products obtained from honey, J.Agric.Food Chem., 60, 8028-8035, IF=2.82

Bonta V., Mărghitaş L.Al., Mărgăoan R., Bobiş O., Dezmirean D., 2013, Quantitative determination of vitamin C in honey and bee pollen using HPLC-DAD method, Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 70(1)/2013, 31-36 Print ISSN 1843-5262

Crenguţa I Pavel, Liviu A Mărghitaş, Dan S Dezmirean, Lavinia I Tomoş, Victoriţa Bonta, Agripina Şapcaliu and Anja Buttstedt, 2014,Comparison between local and commercial royal jelly – use of antioxidant activity and 10-hydroxy-decenoic acid as quality parameter, Journal of Apicultural Research, 53(1), 116-123, IF = 1.93

Ştefan STÂNGACIU, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Daniel DEZMIREAN, Victoriţa BONTA, Rodica MĂRGĂOAN, Otilia BOBIŞ, 2015, Quality Parameters Needed for Bee Products used in Apitherapy, Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 72(1), 66-71, Print ISSN 1843-5262; Electronic ISSN 1843-536X DOI:10.15835/buasvmcn-asb:10561