Apiterapie, Fitoterapie si Aromaterapie

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2007

First Romanian Apitherapy and Apipuncture Congress
with International Participation

Dear Api-Friends,

We are happy to give to you details about the First Congress with International Participation, of our very young Romanian Apitherapy Society. The Congress will be organized in December 7 to 9, in collaboration with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca.


Bellow here you can see some of the titles of the presentations in our scientific schedule, in the alphabetic order of the names of the speakers:


Apitherapy in Austria – Dr. ROLAND BERGER (Austria)

Regenerative Actions of Royal Jelly on Nervous System – SHOEI FURUKAWA ( Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Department of Biofunctional Analysis, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan )

Effect of Estrogen and Estrogen-like Substances on Cultured Neural Stem Cells – YOSHIKO FURUKAWA (Department of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Matsuyama University, Japan)

Applications of BVT by Micro-Api-Puncture and practical demonstration about
How to use the BVT tools for Micro-Api-Puncture – HIROFUMI NAITO (Vice-President of the Nippon Apitherapy Society, Japan)


Advantages of Fresh Pollen versus Dry Pollen and
The best way to harvest a Pure Propolis from Hives that can be used for Medical purpose –PATRICE PERCIE DU SERT (France)


Abdominal Palpation, Emotions and Apitherapy – oral presentation and practical demonstration – CLAUDETTE RAYNAL (France).
The list of the speakers is still open, and the final scientific program is on the way to be finalized.


You are all, professionals and friends, kindly invited to participate in our first Congress, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Because this is our first Congress, the fee for the participation is a symbolic one: only 30 EUR, for all three days, December 7 to 9. The fee allows:

  • the access on the Scientific Sessions of the Congress
  • the access on the Api-Expo organized during the Congress
  • the visit in the Laboratory of Bees Products Quality Control, of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca (top science!)
  • to get the conference map (that includes the CD of the Congress)

The students have free access to the Scientific Sessions of the Congress and in the Api-Expo.


The fee for one stand (booth) in the Api-Expo is only 100 EUR for the duration of the Congress (3 days).


Those who want to be official sponsors of the Congress have to send to the Romanian Apitherapy Society bank account minimum 150 EUR. Their names and logos will appear in all promotional documents of the Congress. See the below bank information.

The fee for participation can be also paid in December 7, upon your arrival, when we will make the registration of the participants, before the opening of the Congress. The fee for the stand in ?Api-Expo? and the sponsoring have to be pre-paid, and announced by e-mail with an attachment containing the copy of the bank document that proves the payment.

Those who want to participate need to announce their intention to the following e-mail addresses:drstangaciu@apitherapy.com and draosan@gmail.com, before November 09, 2007. Please note that the number of places in the Conference Room is limited, so you have to register as soon as possible.


We need also from you, in case you decide to come, the next information:

  1. Your complete name
  2. Your profession and the place of work
  3. The address for post-mail correspondence
  4. Your phone number (where you can be easily reached)
  5. The date of arrival in and the date of departure from Cluj-Napoca and Romania
  6. Accommodation: what type of room do you want: single or double?


We will make the rooms reservations in the hotels near the Congress place, with lower price than the normal one, for the participants of the Congress. The hotels and the normal prices are:

Pami Hotel (Address: Calea Manastur, no. 39)

50 EUR/single room

68 EUR/double room (two beds or matrimonial bed)

Breakfast included.


Cristal Hotel (Address: Strada Moldovei, no. 17)

47 EUR/single room

63 EUR/double room (two beds or matrimonial bed)

Breakfast included.


If you would like to be members in the Romanian Apitherapy Society, please announce us about your intention, when you will make the registration for the Congress.


Again! To be 100% sure that you will have one place in the Conference Room, please make the registration how soon it is possible !


Please send your messages for registration with the Subject Apitherapy Congress in Romania, December 7-9, to be easier to be recognized and processed by us.

Thank you very much!


We will be back soon with other details about the Congress.

You are all expected in Romania !


Dr. Stefan Stangaciu

Dr. Cristina Aosan


To make easier the payment for the fee for the stand in the Api-Expo or if you want to be official sponsor of the Congress, you need to show to your Bank the below information:



Societatea Romana de Apiterapie 
The address of beneficiary: Str. Ionel Perlea nr. 10, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

The Bank of the beneficiary:

Raiffeisen Bank, Ag. APUSULUI, Bucharest, Romania
The address of the bank: Bd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 73, Bl. C3, sector 6, 061089 Bucharest, Romania.
Tel.: +40-21-434.07.31; 434.13.01. Fax: 434.07.25)

Swift Code (live BIC) :

IBAN account number: RO03RZBR0000060009704510 ?

The purpose of the bank transfer is:

– registration fee for the Apitherapy Congress, Cluj-Napoca and/or

– sponsoring