Apiterapie, Fitoterapie si Aromaterapie

Iasi 2008 (English)

The Second Romanian Congress, Expo and Workshops with International Participation


Friday, November 21-St.

09:00-12:00 – Open Conference for general public onIntroduction in Apitherapy and Medicinal Beekeeping 
(Dr. Stangaciu Stefan)
09:00-13:50 – Participants registration/Api-Expo setting

14:00 – 14:15 – Official opening
14:20-16:00 – Importance of the Bees in Nature and Human Society
Biol. Fagarasan Manuela (Children Hospital Brasov)Dr. Stangaciu Stefan (Romania)
Bee Biology and its Importance in the Nature and the Human Society
Prof. Dr. Dana Baran (UMF Iasi, Romania)
Biological rhythms and Bees Adaptation
Catherine Ballot-Flurin (France)
Organic Apitherapeutically oriented Beekeeping
A New Approach to your Health & to the Welfare of Bees
A global approach to the common wellbeing of both humans & bees
Jean-Pierre LePabic (France)
Bee Products Quality: Improvement with the Tubes Bottom Board

Prof. Dr. Constantin Milica
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi (Romania)
Nectaro-polleno-resiniferous Plants with Medicinal Properties 
16:00-17:00 – Biological and Pharmacological Properties of Bee Products
Assoc. Prof. Jozef Simuth 
(Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovakia)
The Physiological Potential of Proteins and Peptides of Honeybee Royal Jelly
Ioana Jurcau, Ramona Moldovan Jurcau, Cristian Bodescu (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Beeswax Uses in the Past and Present
Dr. Cristina Cimpean, technician Cornel Hotiu (Rafael Medica, Bucharest, Romania)
The Sensitive Crystallization of the Bee Pollen

17:00-17:30 Honey break

Dr. Andritoiu Calin Vasile, Andritoiu Vasile, Plai Ancuta Vasilica, Costuleanu Marcel,
Cuciureanu Magda, Cuciureanu Rodica (UMF Gr. T. Popa Iasi, Romania)
Effect of the apitherapeutically products “Stupina”: Apiregya, ApiImunostim and ApiImunomod in chronical hepatopathies – studies and fundamental research

Prof. Rodica Cuciureanu, Calin Andritoiu, Irina Virlan, Magda Cuciureanu, Ionela Murariu (U.M.F. Iasi)
Role of some Bee Products in the Decrease of Acrilamide Toxicity
Eugen Stefan, M.D., Ph.D. (reg.) (Societatea Romana de Medicina Ayurvedica)
Marilena Gîlca, M.D., Ph.D. (U.M.F. Bucuresti)
A Scientific Insight into an Ayurvedic Treatment:
Use of Honey in Diabetes and Obesity
Ir. Bambang Soekartiko
Chairman of Indonesian Beekeepers Association
Prof. Dr. Mapatobasila, Ir. Zaenal Hasan, M.Sc, Dr. Adji Suranto
Beekeeping and Apitherapy Development in Indonesia
Albulescu Radu, Albulescu Lucian, Popescu Dana, Monica Neagu, Tanase Cristiana 
(National Institute for Chemical-Farmaceutical Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania)
Noi abordari in analiza proteinelor din veninul de albine

Apicultor Ioan OROS, Zalau
Methods to collect pollen and propolis. 
Water from polen, a new apitherapic product?


20:00 – Welcome Cocktail

Saturday, November 22-Nd.


The Bee Product – Complement or Alternative to Chemical Antibiotics/Drugs?
(Round Table)
Moderator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Farm. Viorica Istudor (UMF Bucharest, Romania)



Apitherapy in Human Medicine (I)

Prof. Dr. Lenuta Profire (UMF “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, Faculty of Pharmacy)
“Apis Mellifica” – a marvelous Therapeutic Source

Dr. Shirley A.A. Abreu (Brazil)
The Use of Brazilian Green Propolis in the Treatment of 
Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections in Children

10:00-10:30 Honey break


10:20-11:20 – Apitherapy in Human Medicine (II)

Dr. Doina Davidescu (Principal Researcher gr. II, Iasi, Romania)
A Review of the Apitherapy Epidemiological Studies
Dr. Beatrice Lucache (Alternative Medicine Center, Iasi, Romania)
Considerations on the Mechanism of Action, Antialgic and Antiinflamatory Effect of 
Apipuncture in Osteo-musculo-articulary Chronical Degenerative Diseases
Dr. Mindrescu Dorin (Policlinica Solaris, Craiova, Romania)
Apitoxinotherapy with VeneX-20 – an Efficient Method in Algofunctional Decompensated Gonarthrosis

Prof. Univ. Dr. Bernard Descotte (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Limoges, France)
Use of Honey in Surgery – Keynote Lecture


13:00-14:30 – Lunch


Biol. José Alexandre Abreu (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Brazilian Red Propolis – Botanical Origin, Chemical Composition and Potential Use against Pancreatic Cancer.
Biological Therapy Using Propolis as Nutritional Supplement in Cancer Treatment.
Efficacy of Brazilian Propolis Gel for the Management of Denture Stomatitis – a Pilot Study.

17:15-17:45 – Honey break


17:45-19:00 – General Assembly of the Romanian Apitherapy Society



20:00 – Romanian evening with international surprises!


Sunday, November 23-Rd.

08:30-10:00 – Apitherapy in Human Medicine (III)
Dr. Mihaela Leucian Orodan (Arad, Romania)
1. Apitherapy in Chronical Hepatitis
2. Apiphytotherapy, Acupuncture and Apipuncture 
of a Case with Dermatomyositis
Dr. Grigore Seremet (Bucharest, Romania)
Use of Apitherapy in Combination with Hirudotherapy.
New Perspectives in Tissue and Organ Regeneration
Dr. Cristina Pavel (Bucharest, Romania)
Apiphytotherapy of a Clinical Case with Vascular Purpura 
Dr. Cristina Aosan (Semlacu Mare, Timis County, Romania)
1. Apiphytotherapy of a case with a bronchopulmonary tumor
2. Apiphytotherapy of infected wounds – clinical cases

10:00-10:30 Honey break


10:30-12:00 – Apitherapy in Human Medicine (IV)

Prof. Dr. Jurate Jankauskiene (Eye Clinic of Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania)
Past, Present and Future of Apitherapy in Lithuania
Prof. Dr. Jurate Jankauskiene, Dr. Dalia Jarusaitiene
Apitherapy in Lithuanian Ophthalmology
Dr. Mathias Holeiter (Switzerland)
Wound Management with Honey in a Family Medicine Practice in Switzerland
Dr. Stangaciu Stefan (Mereni, Dambovita County, Romania)
Prevention and Treatment of Adverse Reactions, including of Anaphylactic Shock, in Apitherapy


12:00-12.30 – Apitherapy and Complementary Medicine

Prof. Dr. Dana Baran (UMF Iasi, Romania)
Crono-Apitherapy, a promissing Perspective
Cristian Bodescu, Ramona Moldovan Jurcau, Ioana Jurcau (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Propolis and Metal Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine

12.30-13.00 Varia
Conf. Univ. Dr. Ecaterina Hanganu (UMF Iasi, Romania) 
Energy of Forms and Apitherapy

13:15-14:30 Lunch



Ramona Moldovan-Jurcau, Ioana Jurcau, 
Cristian Bodescu, Edmond Nakrotzky-Török (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) 
Homage to the Bees


Posters Presentations and Discussions
Afrodita Doina Marculescu
(U.M.F. Gr. T. Popa Iasi, Romania, Biochemistry Chair),
Propolis against the Severe Oxidative Stress
Sorina Soescu, MD, MFHom (Constanta, Romania)
Treatment of Intestinal Parasitosis with Giardinophyt, 
a Propolis based Product
Alejandra Vásquez and Tobias Olofsson 
Microbiology Laboratory at Campus Helsingborg, Department of Cell and Organism Biology,
Lund University Campus Helsingborg, Suedia
Detection and Identification of a Novel Lactic Acid Bacterial Flora 
within the Honey Stomach of the Honeybee Apis mellifera.
Rahimian M., Besharat M., Ghaemi E. (Iran)
Assessment of the Antibacterial Effect of Bee Honey in Comparison with Ceftriaxone 
on Three Shigella Species In Vitro
Seema Rathourand Dr. D.C. Karnatak (India)
Role of Apitherapy in Human Health, a general approach
15:15-16:15 – Apitherapy Legislation

Dr. Cristina Pavel (Bucharest, Romania)
Approval of a Bee Venom based Product for Medicinal Use – Legal Aspects


Conclusions of the Congress
City Tour




Monday, November 24 

Apitherapy and Apipuncture Workshops


Group A : Medical doctors (humans and veterinarians), pharmacists, biochemists, biologists, nurses

Main Theme of the Workshop: 
Getting the theoretical and practical skills needed to create and specificaly use the bee products with medicinal destination.



Group B : Agronomists, beekeepers, whole and retail bee products sellers


Main Theme of the Workshop: 
Introduction in the methodology of collection and primary processing of bee products with medicinal destination.


Congress sponsors

Romanian Apitherapy Society
Romanian Beekeeping Association
Apiland, Baia Mare, Romania
Apipharm, Athens, Greece
Anacon-Prod. Ltd, Bucharest, Romania
Apidava Ltd., Blaj, Romania
Epsicom Ltd., Craiova, Romania
Colegiul Farmacistilor din Iasi

Api-Expo 2008 participants



Apiland, Romania

Pharma Nectar, Brazil
Lignum Vitae
CONSBIT Ltd. Vaslui www.consbit.ro
International Media SRL
Romanian Apitherapy Society
S.C. Santo Raphael SRL
Institute of Research and Development for Beekeeping


Local Organizing Committee 
Dr. Beatrice Lucache
Alternative Medicine Center Iasi

Dr. Doina Davidescu
Principal Researcher, Gr. II, Iasi

Dr. Bioch. Afrodita Marculescu
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi
Biochemistry Chair
Dr. Andritoiu Calin Vasile
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi
Physiopathology Chair, Faculty of Dentistry
Prof. Dr. Costuleanu Marcel
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi
Physiopathology Chair, Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Ing. Maria Magdici
President of Beekeeping Association Iasi
Haraga Florica
Director at Agriculture and Rural Development Agency Iasi

Arustei Constantin
Executive Director at Agriculture and Rural Development Agency Iasi

National and International Organizing Committee

Dr. Cristina Aosan
Vice-President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society

Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
President of the Romanian and German Apitherapy Society
Vice-President of the Francophone Apitherapy Association
Congress President